I have seen war; i hate war.
🎋fdr, 1936; marguerite, 2024.

Le Papillon...

Le papillon, she must be free!

Headquarters; the Books of Marguerite Bloem!

Foto Marguerite; summer in the city! 
Independent artist and immigrant dutch girl; living 
westerly in these great sprawling United States.🎋
Seasonal Tunes:
Nilsson, Everybody's Talkin at Me...
I know. Sometimes i get restless too.
🎋the singing writer; marguerite
Is a public offering of literary works in a virtual bookstore. For people who love the written word; and people who live by and for the heart. Which can be men or women; or any sort of creative mix in between. And for people who would like to discover the literary works of the gentle Dutch-American author, Marguerite Bloem. Oh, well then; welcome in!🎋blushing now; marguerite
Road Map:
Please enjoy the biographical bits of things below; and discover my virtual google and lulu bookstores; bon voyage! And tell your friends how your journey has been. My narrator and tour guide; Leni van Meer; is a dear one, i think. As will be; when those books come out; my gently-grown Miss Margaux. Come on, then!🎋marguerite
Two Peas-in-Pod!
For a sweet gift. For the joyous
summer people who love to read!
🎋proud author marguerite

YOU WILL NOT find these dear precious ones lost on any cluttered bookstore or dusty library shelf; but only on your own special shelf of favorite things; to enjoy at your own pleasure and leisure. These gentle literary stories are one of a kind! Buy them for yourself; and for special occasions for your dear special people. From one lifelong reader, writer, musician, booklover, author, politico, when i need to be; and dutch immigrant-girl!🎋marguerite 
CATCH THE Weekly Lulu Discount 
in the Gadget Below This Post!🎋
AND FOR LIBRARY and bookstore keepers and giftstore keepers; if you are ordering for a library or bookstore or giftstore; all of my works do have a lovely spine text; as some independent books do not; though they do not have an ISBN. You would have to use your own bookeeping codes. Your author and bookmaster!🎋marguerite

A Brief Introduction
to an Author and Her Works.
I write beautiful gently-autobiographical works of a Dutch immigrant family; featuring young Leni van Meer. Also, rich stories of my adult life away from that family; featuring dear Miss Margaux; who once inexplicably was Leni van Meer. Beautiful descriptions of my books are on my own bookstore site; see all my links scattered through this site. See you soon!🎋marguerite
Below, in the style of Dear Abby... 
Is my Dear Marguerite! With some questions and answers about my work; and hey! Don't forget to catch my Lulu sales in the sidebar of this site. And all the fun fotos and films in the footer of this site. Switch to web view if you are on mobile; snappy you!🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, 
aren't you on the socials anymore?
Well, i am growing a little bit old for that, and it had diminishing rewards for me. I grew tired of all the bots and influencers and anonymity. While on each post i am like; Hey, hi, i am marguerite! And i grew tired of all the invisible algorithms that govern your connections, or not. 
I had a more human than gaming approach in mind. I did like watching all of my favorite politicos; my ruling dems, my rising dems, my liberal dems, my home dems. But i figure i can see them in the news; so now i just try to do direct outreach; and all my delicious postings here. 
If you have found me here; my work is for all comers! Write with any questions; contact below. And please recommend me to your earnest bookloving friends and favorite teachers and librarians; my work is unusual and beautiful! Setting up shop; thank you!🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, 
what is Bloemworks?
Bloemworks is my proud independent publishing project; sprung from the heart of an immigrant dream. I write a gentle thoughtful blend of literary fiction and memoir for discerning readers of all ages; probably you! Your beautiful dreamer.🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, what words would 
you use to describe your work?
Oh, you; thank you! I would say poetic, playful, philosophical, thoughtful, earnest, wise, musical, fun, delicious, quirky, transparent, honest, true.—Only for you! I am at play in a field of flowers and words. Blissfully yours.🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, why do you write?
Because it is delicious for me. And because so much trouble abounds in the world that must be healed, mended, and prevented; the respite of a book is just the thing. There is love, life, peace, and joy to be conjured too. My books are small, gentle, human; but sometimes, the smaller the story, the bigger the world; it is the world of the heart that is big. With reverence.🎋sister marguerite
Dear Marguerite, how old are you!?
Cheeky devil, how old are you?! I am not as old as my house; that is one thing. I came to America in the late post war; my family was in Amsterdam. I have found a pleasure in writing more than forty years. With my boy grown and my Senior Bus Card in hand; though i rarely seem to go anywhere; i am calling this my delicious third act; to finish a dream begun long ago; please help me celebrate my dream! Your not yet aged.🎋mevrouw marguerite 
Dear Marguerite, 
where are all of your books?
I share my beautiful collection of books on my unofficial bookstore; links scattered throughout this sites. Lulu; an independent publishing company; prints and ships my books for me; it is pretty much the coolest thing! All i have to do is write. Or well, and edit; and design my text and covers; and promote all that i do. All of which of course, i love to do. But when people order my books, Lulu will print and ship and collect payments for me! They have created a wonderful opportunity, for ambitious independent writers like me. Your favorite writer.🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, 
why are your books not on Amazon?
I found their system not as clean and reliable as Lulu; and not as much in my control. Amazon has certain efficiencies, but i need this to be my show. I get very upset when i google myself to find that Amazon keeps stealing my name; though my books have been off their site for years; yet they keep flashing pictures of my long-ago covers with links to their site; though there are no books there; and i never actually sold any books from their site! And worse; now someone is selling a bootleg copy; those are the kinds of things; working with Amazon, that worried me. I have tried several times to challenge these situations, but to no avail. I think we should get our legislators on these issues: the right to disappear; the right to own your own name; identity theft?! Do you have this problem too; can we start a rousing chorus on this?! It seems dangerous to me; to have such power seems dangerous to me. We need to be able to own our own identities online.🎋your angry marguerite 
Dear Marguerite, 
who do you write for?!
Could it be me?! 
Yes, i'm pretty sure; you! 
I think the people who would enjoy my work are simply great softies at heart who love deeply human stories; and who have a thoughtful analytical bent; or a bent for delicious language perhaps; or a wise gentle storytelling style. It is a gently reflective poetic style, without a particular "story" bent. 
Initially i thought perhaps my books were for age fourteen to one-hundred-and-two; but now i am thinking maybe for people who simply enjoy a quirky nostalgic adult view of life. My characters are not in anyway normal or typical; which is perhaps what a young one would prefer; and the stories have a gently historical slant. 
My stories concern mental illness and fatherhood; poverty; the struggles and dreams of an immigrant life; the journey of one sweet high school girl who plays the cello and loves to go to school and has mad crushes on boys. The controversies of these books concern religion; which roils and boils beneath; with an atheist father and catholic mother and children who are mostly gently ambivalent. Though that is only a secondary or tertiary theme; the main theme being simply family; and beauty; and dreams.
My Miss Margaux stories likewise are gentle reflective stories of aging; and of an immigrant writing mother raising a child; and the sometimes struggles of a modern world. My physical form is lovely, gentle, approachable too; i want these books to be beautiful and readable. But most essentially these books; and this lovely homegrown site; are for the dear gentle bookish folk of a generous heart and goodwill who simply love good literature. Here only beautiful flowers play. You may come again and play all day! From the heart.🎋marguerite
Dear Marguerite, what are you
most proud of in your books?
That my standard for quality is unfailing; and my stories are deeply authentic and human. And you can write a beautiful story; but the physical presentation must be excellent too. I have seen so many books that look like junk; just simply plain junk; that i would not even want to begin to read. 
I am not sure, sometimes; that anyone really looks at some of those books before they put them out. I think in some cases perhaps; or at least in my case; independent authors are raising the bar. I think a book should be a work of art; in a delicious simple form; and all of my pages are edible; beautiful. Even my page of copyright warnings; where i admonish the reader not to violate my rights in forms not even invented yet! Ja, you; look out then!
I also want the physical form to be easy on the hands, the eyes. I leave space for a reader's eyes to rest. I leave a wide gutter margin; so you will not have to wrestle to the death against my spine; and leave your reading session exhausted. My eyes and hands thank me when i am done; no problem!🎋nurse marguerite
And Dear Reader! 
A gentle goodbye. 
Or well; hello and goodbye; 
and please do come again! 
If you have enjoyed any of the writing on my sites; please consider the purchase of one of my beautiful books; as gift for yourself or another; and please share the good word with your earnest bookloving friends, favorite teachers and librarians! Support art, artists, democracy, world peace, and vote for joe; we cannot have dictators running the show. 
I remain ever deeply troubled; and watch for peace on every front of every war; and for a strong enduring democracy! Though sometimes you have to take a break. One hit of the New York Times or Amanpour; though useful and important; can wipe you out. My heart remains with the people of gaza; my mind does not want to know; history will not want to know. On and off the beat; when i can; when i am strong enough.🎋marguerite
Contact and Permissions. 
The Gentlewoman Writer, Marguerite Bloem, can be reached at contactbloem on gmail. Visit the Gentlewoman Writer at Her Bookstore for MoreThis website and lovely literary collection are under Copyright ©2022 by Marguerite Bloem, All Rights Reserved. Please do not excerpt fotos or text for your own sites and purposes without written author credit and permission, thank you; and come back again soon!🎋marguerite

Catch a Pack of Lucky Charms!

The Lulu discount for my books this week is WRITEBOOKS15 through 17 may for 15% off my beautiful work. Oh, lovely May!🎋marguerite

Catch Up on What You Missed!!